Over the past few months my fabric stash has grown considerably, I pick up discounted fabric at thrift stores, yard sales and the fabric stores. I try my best to organize all of the fabric by size. I have an awesome EXPEDIT Shelving unit from IKEA that does the trick pretty well:

I also started cutting out little pieces of paper to write down what yardage, width and if I had prewashed the fabric. Today I saw a cute idea on someone’s blog (I have the blog saved at work, so I can credit it when I’m back there Tuesday) to make a more professional looking note of all the fabric details. I whipped something up really quickly and figured I’d put it up for free download so anyone else can use it if they want.

I just put the basics: yardage, type, care, ideas and prewashed. I just wanted something simple and pretty that gets the point across.

I’ve made 2 different versions: jpg and pdf. They both print on regular 8.5″ x 11″ printer paper and there are 8 notes per page.
1. Click here to download the .pdf file (you can also right-click and “save as”)
2. Open Adobe Reader (if you don’t have it, you can download it here for free)
3. File > Print
And that should be it!
1. Click here to download the .jpg file (you can also right-click and “save as”)
2. Open file and Print.
That should be it!
* You can also just click on the link above and right click print 🙂
Should be that simple! Hope it’s useful to someone else besides myself.
I think your sewing site/blog is amazing. Everything that you made is so beautiful and Inspires me to want to make dresses for my Emma. Maybe it’s time I wiped the dust off my sewing machine lol. Anyway just wanted to let you know how beautifully talented you were and thank you for sharing it. :). <3
Aww! You should totally make her some stuff!! And thank you 🙂 I miss you!